Module epcompat.set

Implements sets of values of ordinal type, including char and enum members.


set() Constructor of a Set on an implicitly derived base type with a given sequence of intervals.
set() Constructor of the empty set.
set(args) Constructor of Sets on an implicitly derived base type. It cannot support the range-like notation for Intervals like SetFactory does, but offers a 2-element array notation for intervals.


Set The Set type supports set operations. Sets can be instantiated with an explicitly specified base type, in which case the range of values that the Set can contain is limited by the base type. Sets can also be constructed with an implicitly derived base type using the set() functions, where the underlying data is managed dynamically and the range of values that the set can contain is only limited by the available memory. Base types are ordinal types like the standard signed and unsigned integer types of various sizes, but also char types, booleans and custom enumerations.
SetFactory This struct serves only a range-based interface for convenient construction of Sets implemented on an explicitly supplied base type.